
       Megan Davies

Coming for Treatment

Homeopathy in Bristol

Coming for treatment

Chronic Complaints

You should reserve an hour and a half for the first consultation, giving plenty of time to go through in detail the issues that have brought you for treatment. The homeopath will then ask you for further information about yourself generally, and may ask questions which seem odd or irrelevant, for instance how you sleep, whether certain types of weather affect you, or whether there are certain foodstuffs which you crave or which disagree with you. The reason for these questions is that homeopathy is holistic, that is, it focuses on the whole person and not on the complaint in isolation. The answers that you give enable the homeopath to establish exactly how you as an individual function and how you personally respond to physical, mental and  emotional influences. With this information it is possible to assess what is off-balance and not functioning properly within the individual. The homeopath will then use this knowledge to prescribe one or more homeopathic remedies to correct this imbalance and restore internal harmony.

Follow-up visits

About 4-6 weeks after the first visit the homeopath will arrange for you to come for a follow-up to assess the effects of the prescribed homeopathic remedy. This will be a shorter consultation than the first, at most an hour, but possibly even shorter. The number of follow-up visits required to complete the treatment varies enormously. In some cases the trouble may have disappeared by the first follow-up and no more visits will be necessary. In cases where the problem is more deeply entrenched the patient may be required to come back at intervals over a longer period of time. At each visit the homeopath will assess the present state of affairs and repeat or change the remedy appropriately as the journey back to health progresses. As a rule of thumb, it is often said that for each year you have had a complaint, it will need a month of treatment. Even in cases which appear to respond to treatment immediately and completely, patients are often advised to attend for a follow-up. It may be, for example, that a further prescription is necessary to ensure that the problem does not return.

Between the first and follow-up consultation, the homeopath and patient are in touch by phone or email as necessary.

Acute Complaints

Acute consultations (half hour) £30 including remedy.

Treatment Fees

Initial consultation (1½ hours) £60        Follow up (1 hour)£45


Children 1 hour consultation £40         Follow up £35


This price includes time spent working on the case outside of actual consultations, and phone/email contact as necessary between appointments. Remedies are £5 including P & P if supplied by me, otherwise supplier's own price. I carry a large stock of remedies.                                    


DISCOUNT PACKAGE   A reduced price is available for those committing at the outset to a minimum of 3 visits (initial consultation + 2 follow-up visits). In this case the prices are: £50 1st visit, £45 follow-ups. In many cases this is a sensible option as at least 3 visits are often necessary.  The full amount does not have to be paid in one sum.   


Other concessions/discounts also available to those who would have difficulty paying the above fees. Please ask.   

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